The premium ginseng Oolong (also called Lan Gui Ren or Ren Shen) comes from the Chinese province of Hainan and is based on high quality green Oolong, which is blended with very small amounts of powderised ginseng and liquorice root. Only the youngest sprouts are "dusted" with a fi ne coat of these ingredients, after withering and rolling and before the subsequent drying stage. The optic of this reminds of small rolled, pressed olive-green tea bits or nuggets. The cup is golden-green while the "ingredients" underline the delicately soft, slightly sweet fl avour. The tea can be infused more than once, but the first two infusions are the best...
2-3 minutes brewing time 80° - 90° C water temperature 4-5 level tsp./1 litre
Ingredients: half-fermented tea (78%), Ginseng powder (20%), liquorice